How Much Will Property Taxes Go Up?
In a previous post (Issue 24 – Request For Questions) I asked for resident questions about the upcoming Issue 24 on this November’s ballot. I will be posting the questions I received with the answers. Please send questions to me at or send them via the contact form.
How much will a $100,000 home’s property taxes go up per year without homestead reduction if:
- 7 mill of Charter Millage
- 2.83 Inside Millage
- 2 Mills Metro Park
Per $100,000 of estimated market value of a house in Twinsburg (1 mill=$35.00 per year without homestead exemption):
Current Charter millage being paid for Police & Fire Pensions = .6 mill = $21.00 annually
Charter Millage proposed in 2021 (Police/Fire Pension & Capital) = 3.0 mill = $105.00 annually
Proposed Increase for City Operations = $84.00 annually / $7.00 monthly
Current City Park Bond = 1.31 mill = $45.85 annually
Proposed Summit County Metro Parks Bond Levy to replace City’s Park Bond = 2.0 mill = $70.00 annually
Increase to Funding for Park Land = $24.15 annually / $2.01 monthly
The Charter has authorized up to 7 mills of un-voted millage since at least 1973. Over the last 50 years the City has utilized anywhere from 6.5 Charter mills (mid 1980’s) to the current low of .6 of one mill. At no time was Charter millage and inside millage maxed out.
Knowing that each mill equates to $35.00 annually per $100,000 of Summit County’s appraised value you can easily perform the math for the various hypotheticals raised in your question.