Issue 24 was very close. Thanks to everyone who made their voice heard. Attached to this post are three photos: City wide totals, Ward totals and...
Category: Issue 24
Issue 24 will appear on the November 3rd, 2020 ballot.
The language states:
Shall Section 6.01 of the Charter of the City of Twinsburg be amended to place a further restriction on the 10-Mill limitation set forth in Section 2, Article XII of the Ohio Constitution by limiting City Council’s ability to generate revenue for all purposes of the municipality from the current 7 mills to 2 mills?
Check out the Issue 24 Frequently Asked Questions
Twinsburg Had a Huge Surplus – Where Did Our Money Go?
Some residents think Twinsburg's surplus was wasted on paying debt for a clubhouse. They ask... Where did our money go?
Historical Use of Millage in Twinsburg
Answering the question: Can you provide millage used for the last 10 years? To show this has been the practice ongoing.
Property Tax, Twinsburg Schools, Police, Fire and the MetroParks
How will Issue 24 affect Twinsburg Education System, including staff salary, and Police and Fire Department efficiency and salary.
If Issue 24 Is About Police and Fire Why Doesn’t The Ballot Say That?
Answering questions about Issue 24: If this is all about police and fire, why doesn't the ballot language mention police and fire? Why am I seeing...
If Issue 24 Fails, Will Police and Fire Get More Money?
A resident asked the following question about Issue 24: If issue 24 fails, will police and fire be getting more money than they already get right...
Can the City Sell the Golf Business To Pay the Clubhouse Debt?
Can we sell the clubhouse, the golf course business, and add in the 19.2 acres the city tried to rezone 3 times to generate funds to pay off the...
How Much Will Property Taxes Go Up?
A resident asked: How much will a $100,000 home's property taxes go up per year without homestead reduction.
Do Other Cities Have Inside Millage? Is It Common?
Answering a resident's question: Do other cities have similar inside millage like Twinsburg? Is it common to have this?
Why Doesn’t the City Just Sell the Golf Course?
A resident asked: Why Doesn’t the City Just Sell the Golf Course?
Why Not Use Inside Millage to Purchase a Fire Truck?
A resident asked the following question:n If Issue 24 decreases charter millage from 7 to 2 mills, why can't Council use the unused inside millage...
What is the City’s Surplus? Can’t We Just Buy a Firetruck?
A resident asked the following question: Couldn't we spend money for a $900,000 ladder truck instead of increasing millage? With that much surplus,...