Traffic Advisory – Darrow Rd from Glenwood to Solon *Expect Delays*

This traffic advisory was posted on the City’s website.

TRAFFIC ADVISORY (Updated 10/10/2019)

Darrow Rd Improvements from Glenwood Dr. to Lisa Ln. (Solon City Limits)

Thursday, October 10th through Friday, October 11th:

*Expect delays due to paving*

Southbound lanes are being surfaced with asphalt today. Paving at the Meadowood Drive intersection will have a short term impact to access during placement and cooling of the pavement.

Northbound lanes will be paved on Friday, impacting access at the Ethan’s Drive intersection.



Via Twinsburg Police: Meadowood Blvd. is now open at SR 91. The contractor is still paving on SR 91 southbound so please drive carefully. Thank you for your patience during the three hour closure.


Via Mayor Yates: I want to apologize for the lack of notice on the construction closures for the Rt. 91 project. We have been pushing the paving of the roadway in an effort to get the project completed. This time of year everything is weather related.

For tomorrow, Friday morning, the Meadowood/Ethan’s roundabout will be fully operational
***UNTIL 9AM***

After 9am, paving will continue on northbound lanes and partial closures of the Meadowood and Ethan’s intersection will occur.