Clarifying Questions – Ordinance 07-2025 and Ordinance 08-2025


I wanted to answer a few questions I’ve seen a couple of times in regards to pieces of legislation that were on last night’s agenda – Ordinance 07-2025 and Ordinance 08-2025 rezoning 1816 East Aurora Road from C-2 to R-5.

YES – this is the same property that was on the ballot in November of 2024.
NO – these ordinances were NOT brought by the City, Council or Administration.

This legislation was brought once again, AT THE REQUEST OF THE PROPERTY OWNER, which is their right.

Since the City of Twinsburg’s CHARTER includes referendum voting all of these zoning issues are to be decided by the electorate.

Question: “We already voted this down – why is it back on the ballot?”
Answer: It is the right of the property owner to request the change.

Question: “Why are there future meeting dates in the ordinance?”
Answer: When the ordinance is voted on, those dates will have occurred already. Last night was the first reading.

I hope this clears up some confusion. If you have additional questions about this or any other piece of legislation please call City Hall.

For more context watch the Council meeting and Caucus from January 14th,2025.

City of Twinsburg Council Meeting – January 14, 2025

City of Twinsburg Caucus Meeting – January 14, 2025