Managing Fears and Anxiety Around Coronavirus


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is top of everyone’s mind. I wanted to pass along some information that I’ve received.

The City of Twinsburg continues to use the universal precautions and PPE (personal protective equipment) that we utilize on a daily basis.

What can you do?

Please find a fact sheet that the Ohio Department of Health has shared on fears and anxiety relative to the virus:
Managing Fears and Anxiety Around Coronavirus

In case you don’t have kids in the Twinsburg City schools, I have attached is the letter that Superintendent Kathi Powers sent to parents yesterday:
School Coronavirus email to parents March 9th, 2020

Finally, I wanted to pass along a note I received earlier today (March 10th, 2020) from Congressman Dave Joyce:

Dear friends,

As your Member of Congress, one of my top priorities is to keep you informed on pressing matters, such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. My office continues to receive rapidly evolving information regarding COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, Health and Humas Services, and the White House.

Today, it was announced that there are three confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Buckeye State. While the risk to many Americans remains low, I want to ensure I am doing all I can to relay important information to you so that we can prevent this disease from threatening our communities in Northeast Ohio. 

I will try to pass along any additional Twinsburg-specific information I have. In the meantime I’d suggest you check out Summit County Public Health ( and the Ohio Department of Health (