Issue 19 – Frequently Asked Questions
There has been quite a bit of discussion and confusion already around the upcoming Issue 19 on this November’s ballot.
The ballot language for Issue 19 states:
Issue 19
Proposed Zoning Amendment City of Twinsburg
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
Shall Ordinance 68-2024 amending Part Eleven of the City of Twinsburg’s Zoning and Development Regulations be approved?
My goal is to get the FACTS out to the community as quickly as possible so residents can make an informed decision when they cast their ballot.
Spreading misinformation is a standard tactic by some wishing to muddy the waters around City initiatives. If you have questions about this or any other issue, please feel free to reach out to me, another member of Council or City Hall. We will be happy to to provide you with the correct information so you can make an informed decision.
Please send questions to me at or send them via the contact form.