Tree Pruning in Twinsburg
Nelson Tree Service company has been hired by First Energy to perform all of the tree pruning in the city.
Work will run for approximately 3 months (it started on October 1st). The work will include all roads that contain “primary” electric service on the following main roads and connecting side roads:
- Liberty
- Glenwood
- Cannon
- Post
- Darrow
- Ravenna
- Chamberlin
- E. Aurora
- E. Highland
- Hadden
The plan is for the work to be performed between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm and will begin with Liberty, Glenwood, Cannon, Post and Darrow.
Affected residents will be informed by door hangers and/or direct contact.
Here is a copy of the door hanger for your reference: Ohio Edison Door Hanger
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.