Restriping at the Glenwood Drive/ SR91 (Darrow) Roundabout

On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018, the Glenwood Drive/ Darrow Road roundabout will be restriped. The purpose of the restriping is to have the roundabout function as a single lane roundabout with the following exception: northbound and southbound traffic will have a dedicated right turn lane that must turn right after YIELDING to circulating traffic in the roundabout. Pavement markings and delineators will be used to restrict traffic from the curb lane from circulating the roundabout.

The straight/left turn movement from the northbound/southbound directions will occur from the inside lane and must also YIELD to traffic circulating in the roundabout prior to entering the roundabout. The eastbound Glenwood leg of the roundabout will be restriped to remove the right turn lane and will function as a one lane approach similar to the existing westbound Glenwood leg of the intersection. No changes to the westbound leg of the intersection will occur other than a more pronounced YIELD line being added which will match new Yield line bars being placed on all legs of the roundabout entry.


Remember; a Yield sign calls on the driver to do the following: SLOW DOWN, defer to oncoming or intersection traffic, stop when necessary. Proceed when safe, and remain aware of circulating traffic and pedestrians.

Roudabout Changes

Questions? Contact

City of Twinsburg Engineering Department
(330) 963-6247