Issue 30 – Proposed Zoning Amendment – November 2018

This post will attempt to explain Issue 30 – Proposed Zoning Amendment City of Twinsburg for the upcoming General Election on November 6th, 2018.

Issue 30

Official Ballot Language

Proposed Zoning Amendment City of Twinsburg

A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.

Shall Ordinance 64-2018 rezoning certain property located at 9101 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg, Ohio (Parcel #64-01553) from R-3 (Residential) use to C-2 (Commercial) use be approved?


The rezoning request is for a property at 9101 Ravenna Road. Rezoning from R-3 residential to C-2 commercial is being sought by John Manes for one of three adjacent parcels he owns.

If approved, it would allow two side-by-side commercial lots totaling 2.45 acres, but the third lot would remain residential.

Manes maintains that it is difficult to fit a building on just the one triangular lot, and having two commercial lots side-by-side would make it easier to erect a building.

The property on the corner 3400 East Aurora is currently C2. The property at 9101 Ravenna is the one that’s on the ballot (proposed to go from R3 to C2).

The third property at 9091 Ravenna (also owned by Mr. Manes) is currently zoned R3 will not be affected.

Issue 30 Map